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VOYAGEUR ONE SEMINARS                                                                     Corporate and Public Seminars:                                               

The Art and Science of Consulting

- Is being an expert enough for someone to call himself or herself a consultant?  Our seminar is designed to address the art and science of consulting that underlie successful consultancies. 

Building Dynamic Relationships within Organizations

- Have you ever thought communication, communication, give me a break?  Our seminar is designed to look at the importance of relationship building  and how the organization’s mission and values can assist in contributing to the building of relationships and the success of the organization.  

Coaching, Supervision, Counseling, and Evaluation

- Can I, as a manager, do it all?  Should I? Can I define the difference?  Our seminar assists in distinguishing the differences between the role of coach supervisor, counselor and evaluator.  We explore the benefits and costs when we cannot distinguish the differences and its impact on the organization. 

Customer Service Excellence – Establishing a Trusting Relationship 

- Customers cannot distinguish between you and the company you represent?   Yes or no?  Our seminar examines the dynamics of customer service.  The seminar also assists the customer service representative in techniques to meet the needs and concerns of customers.   

The Effective Board – Keepers of the Gate

- Do you agree that the gate between the Board and Operations is the key to Mission success?  Our seminar focuses on the challenges of keeping the gate for the purpose of achieving mission success. 

Employee Engagement

- Is employee engagement merely the latest corporate buzz, or a pathway          to a dynamic learning environment?  Our seminar explores the dynamics           of a successful employee engagement process and its connection to establishing a successful learning environment. 

The HeArt (Heart and Art) of Leadership

- Have you lost HeArt as a leader?  We hope not!! Maybe you just need a leadership HeArt scan. Our Seminar is designed to assist the leader in maintaining a healthy HeArt.  You know you have leadership HeArt when the word speaks volumes to you.  You also know when it is at risk – the head begins to feels disconnected from the HeArt. 

Maintaining the Vitality of  the Organization – During Tough and Successful Times

- Success can be just as draining of corporate vitality as the tough times.        What do you think?  Our seminar focuses on techniques for maintaining  vitality and the impact on the organization when we lose site of its importance. 

Meeting the Challenges of Culture and Change

- Are you familiar with this statement? It seems that no matter what we do the situation just does not change?  Our seminar is designed to focus on the    hidden cultural icons that block change initiatives. 

Team Building Dynamics

- Do you agree with this statement? - You know it is a team when feelings of grief are associated with the exit of one of its members.   Our seminar is designed to focus     on the core dynamics associated with the evolution of an effective team.          

Work Group Dynamics

- Do you believe teams emerge as the result of effective work groups?  Our seminar is designed to focus on issues and alternatives for establishing a dynamic and effective work group.

FOR ADDITIONAL SEMINAR INFORMATION: Please contact us by subscribing or by calling (630) 653-7730.

Voyageur-One,Inc. ~ info@voyageur-one.com ~ (630) 613-7730